One of the very first things we redid when we bought our house was our guest bathroom. We ripped out the giant 80's mirror and yellowed counter, basically started from the blank walls and tile and made a bathroom that we love complete with a chair rail and wainscoting. We moved into our house after being in white walled apartments for 10 years. I went a little color wild. We had a forest green room, navy blue room, dark red room, you get the picture. Anyways when we redid our bathroom I loved this country blue find of color. After 5 years I needed a change.
There are a few things you will learn about me while we go through this year. One I love green, two I LOVE plaid, three I love flowers especially daffodils and 4 when I decide on an idea I will do it NOW.
I picked a green (go figure) that we have in a bunch of rooms in our home. I love this green because it isn't tan and it is subtle.
I started the process by using painted tape and taping all the areas I didn't want the green to get. It only takes a second and will save you a TON of time later. I removed the wall plates and took down the shade. Next I cut in the edges. To cut in you use a brush and paint where the roller won't fit. Super easy and doesn't take much effort. Here is the cutting in picture.
Painting tip number 1. I use a small roller. They are skinny suckers at about 6 inches long and about an inch around. I feel like they use less paint and less mess is made with flying paint splatters. Did you know the best way to paint is in w's? Paint one directions making w's like this.
After you get your w's like above go back over them the opposite way making more w's to fill in the areas with no paint. You won't see lines of paint this way and it will look seamless.
It took me 3 layers to cover the entire bathroom with about 30 min. of dry time between each layer. While I was waiting for the layers to dry I painted a fresh coat of white on the lower half of the room the first break. The second break I reframed some old pictures that I will show you later and on the last break I washed all the brushes. Easy!
That being said here is the final product.
Now a little about the inspiration piece for the room. When I was a kid my grandmother and Mom both had botanical prints on the walls made by a lady that my great Aunt knew. The Lady's name is Beulah Purdy and she was a famous painter from Flint Michigan. She only did nature and mostly flowers. I have always loved the pictures on both of their walls. Well I had to get my hands on some and have been trying for years! I finally got my Mom to let me have a few that were water stained and not framed. I think she had them tucked in an old book or something. I was thrilled to get them and even more excited because one was a daffodil!!! Well I made color copies of the originals and was thinking of painting them to get rid of the stains and yellowing. After a little research I decided that these 80 + year old photos were perfect as is. I bought some shabby chic looking frames to make the yellowed paper pop and they are perfect. You can't tell the difference between the copy and the original. I have already fallen in love with them on the wall and I also already told me Mom that I am going to make more color copies of the ones she has on her wall. They are a family heirloom so why don't we all enjoy them? So here they are. The focal point and inspiration for the room.
Total cost and time for the project. I already had all of the paint so that was free. I picked up a new rug for $4 at Walmart, 3 frames on clearance at Michael's $9 for all 3, and the color copies were $1. Total cost = $14 and it took me just under 3 hours to do it all. This included taking the mini blind off and scrubbing it, cleaning the room and setup of all the decor. I love it and am so pleased with the result. I am going to keep an eye out for a perfect little something to go on the blank wall by the window but until I find the perfect thing I am happy.
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